1 hour | $95 | Worldwide

Service Description

For this option you will need a good internet connection, Zoom meetings installed on your recording device, and a bluetooth headset (or a separate phone with corded earbuds for a voice call) You can enlist (beg?) a family member to record you as you ride, or use a tripod or solid surface for static recording, and ride in front of it. Please still have a family member present for monitoring your safety. Barely any delay via Zoom, so live lessons really are that!

Live video lessons often consist of exercises on the flat, however if you would like to work with poles and jumps and you have a tape measure and can follow course plans we can include a pre-session to prepare your equipment.

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Classical Jumping

Take the gear off so your horse will want to take off

Jumping strategies so that you can create a bond that is safe, trusting and matter what!

Copyright 2025 © Thomson Equestrian

Copyright 2024 © Thomson Equestrian

Classical Jumping

Take the gear off so your horse will want to take off

Jumping strategies so that you can create a bond that is safe, trusting and matter what!