To determine if you can safely move up the levels without overfacing yourself or hurting your horse, you need:

The Ultimate Test of your Jumping Canter

Can’t get past 1 meter fences & even that

doesn’t feel great?

You want the ultimate connection to your horse. That perfect, seamless round – where everything fades into the background and it’s just you and your horse as one, stride for stride.

It doesn’t happen very often though does it? And sometimes you just can’t seem to make any progress at all – OR it feels like you’re actually going backwards!

That’s why I’ve developed this FREE guide to help you get back on track and moving forward again.

This guide will help YOU confirm your canter quality 3 different ways, to test if you're ready to move up.

How do you feel about your

current jumping NOW?


It’s UGLY.

We get around, but I don’t feel competent or confident in the WAY we get around the course



We’ve been at the same height for ages and just don’t seem to get any better or move up.



my horse, but does he have the talent for the bigger jumps? I don’t want to sell him, but I don’t want us to get hurt either.

Whether you’re sick of falling off, too embarrassed after yet another bad class to enter another one, or just feel stuck at the same level year after year...

NOW is the time to make a change!

My free guide will help you assess your canter and give you the perfect exercises to improve it.

Based on my better training with less equipment philosophy, I’ve designed these exercises for simplicity too. All you need is 3 poles, 3 standards/boxes and a tape measure for all 3 exercises!

These classical jumping exercises focus on evolving your

… horse’s natural abilities

… riding position and stability

… connection and communication with your horse

… ability to leave the 1m fences behind and enter the next class up with confidence!


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