Transform Your Jumping Skills with

The Classical Jumper’s

9 Steps To Seeing Your Distance Solution

Master the Art of Seeing Distances and Elevate Your Jumping Confidence!

"The Classical Jumper’s 9 Steps To Seeing Your Distance Solution," is an exclusive course designed to help you master the critical skill of seeing distances and significantly improve your jumping performance.

Are you struggling to see your distances consistently?

Do you find yourself uncertain and anxious approaching jumps?

This is for you!

You're not alone.

Many riders face these challenges,

and the consequences of getting it wrong can be dire.

When you misjudge the distance to a jump you get:

  • Wrong Takeoff Spots: Bad distances lead to bad takeoff spots, making it difficult for your horse to jump cleanly and confidently.

  • The Horse Hit in the Mouth: Poor timing can result in yanking on your horse’s mouth, causing pain and confusion.

  • Hit the Saddle: You might end up crashing down into the saddle, hurting your horse's back, and losing your balance and stability.

  • Loss of Confidence: Frequent mistakes can shatter both your and your horse’s confidence, making jumping a stressful experience.

  • Circle in Front of the Jump: When you’re unsure, you might circle in front of the jump to re-approach, disrupting your rhythm and wasting valuable time.

  • Embarrassed: These mistakes can lead to embarrassing moments in front of peers, competitors, spectators, and your coach.

  • Guilt: You may feel guilty for doing the wrong thing for your horse, knowing they deserve better guidance and support.

  • Falls: Leaning forward too early or being unbalanced can result in falling off, risking injury to both you and your horse. Not to mention the big E on the scoresheet...

These scenarios are not just frustrating; they can be dangerous,

and detrimental to your progress. But with the right guidance and training,

you can overcome these challenges and jump with confidence and precision.

Our course is designed to help riders of all levels develop a sharp eye for distances, improve their canter adjustability, and craft effective jumping strategies. With our easy-to-follow steps, you'll build the confidence and skills you need to excel.

One of the unique benefits of our course is that many of the improvements can be made even when you're not riding. There are exercises and techniques that can be practiced on foot, helping you internalise the skills you need without the horse.

Plus, with our mobile app, you can take the course with you anywhere—even if you're in the barn, arena, or paddock, and without an internet connection. This flexibility allows you to review videos and practice exercises whenever it’s convenient for you.

You Will Learn to:

Trust Your Body: Trust Your Eye

You’ll learn exercises which enhance your visual perception and reaction time for better stride adjustments. The best part? You can practice these skills anywhere, anytime—even without a horse - so that you will experience massive progress once you're back in the saddle.

  • Develop your awareness and stride regulation on foot.

  • Exercises to understand and improve your natural stride length.

  • Techniques to enhance your visual perception and reaction time for better stride adjustments.

Trust Your Canter: Trust Your Stride

You’ll learn to synchronise your rhythm with your horse to achieve a seamless and balanced canter. Importantly, you can develop an eye for your horse's stride without jumping. Anytime you're cantering, in any venue or location, you can be learning to adjust your eye for the type of canter you have, enhancing your skills continuously.

  • Learn to count strides and adjust your eye to your horse's canter.

  • Practical exercises for both straight and curving approaches.

  • Synchronise your rhythm with your horse to achieve a seamless and balanced canter.

Trust Your Strategy: Trust Your Horse

You’ll learn to precisely measure your horse’s actual canter length. You'll also develop strategies to produce the canter length and quality needed to match competition standard stride lengths, setting you up for success in every course you tackle.

  • Create effective strategies for navigating combinations.

  • Measure and adjust your horse’s canter length for optimal performance.

  • Adapt your jumping strategies under pressure to ensure consistent performance in competition settings.

*Includes lifetime access to all modules for one low payment of $121 today

Why Choose our Online Course?

When you can pay a local coach to help you in person?

This option at just $121 offers immense value by providing:

  • Live Zoom calls for step-by-step guidance with two different times a week to accommodate a global audience.

  • A mobile app, so you can access the course anywhere - even without an internet connection.

  • Personalised private community to connect with all learners globally 24/7

  • Comprehensive support that goes way beyond just the basic online DIY courses you're used to will ensure you understand and complete the course successfully

Learning To See a Distance - Why Does it Matter?

You've probably seen the "old school" riders who hold and hold and hold until they "see a spot," then they chase it down at the last second. This approach requires a reactive horse, bigger bits, nosebands, martingales, and the often yelled instruction of "MORE LEG". Inconsistent stride lengths increase wear and tear on your horse, which we want to avoid at all costs.

When you see a distance EARLY you'll progress to handling bigger tracks harmoniously without pulling and chasing. Your horse will thank you!


When You Join Me Right Now!

The Classical Jumper’s

9 Steps To

Seeing Your Distance Solution

$242 $121

Lifetime Access

  • Limited Time Pricing

  • Step-by-step guidance

  • 2 Live Zoom sessions a week

  • Access on mobile app

  • Lifetime access to course material

  • Reminder emails

  • Community support

Classical Jumping

Take the gear off

so your horse will want to take off

Jumping strategies so that you can create a bond

that is safe, trusting and matter what!

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