Thomson Equestrian booking and cancellation policy
Merindah Thomson is a qualified EA Coach, and operates within EA Guidelines. All riders, parents and supporters must also follow EA guidelines.
By completing a booking you are aware that by your participation in any activities arranged by Merindah Thomson, certain risks or dangers may occur.
You acknowledge, agree, and understand that the risks associated with the Activities and/or recreational services have been explained to you.
You undertake any such risk voluntarily and at your own risk.
A new waiver is required once per year.
ABUSE of horses or humans will NEVER be tolerated. Any abuse will cause your lesson to be terminated immediately. No refunds will be given. You will also be formally reported to the relevant authority.
Content within your lesson/s including exercises, discussions, homework etc should not be applied to other situations without consultation. This content is specific to your own circumstances. Horses and riders are individuals, and it may be detrimental if used in a different context. Clients undergoing a coach education program will be taught how and when to apply principles in other situations.
Videoing and photography of lessons is for the education of the pupil/s, and not to be used for any print or digital media purposes without prior consent of all parties. If the subject is under 18yo, this must include consent of the parent or guardian.
Lessons at Lower Bowerbank, Deloraine: are subject to farm biosecurity requirements. Humans, animals, vehicles, equipment and footwear must be free from mud before entering the property. Animals must be healthy and free from any contagious condition. Vehicles must be driven into and parked in the jump paddock, and the gate shut prior to unloading horses. Visitors are to remain in the jump paddock and stable area. Horse manure and hoof pickings must be collected and taken home with you. Any feed brought onto the property must be weed free, and any surplus (eg hay) also collected and taken home with you. Horse drinking water is accessible.
Lessons at other venues: are subject to compliance with each venue’s own requirements. If the venue is booked by you, please forward any correspondence and venue requirements to me so I can also comply. If I book the venue, likewise, I will forward requirements to you.
Lessons on your own property: you are responsible for the safety of your riding area and equipment.
Casual Lessons: Casual lessons are not always available, so booking enquiries are to be made directly with Merindah Thomson. If a lesson time is available, you will be required to prepay and book via the form on the website. To secure your lesson booking, pre-payment is required a minimum of 1 week prior to your lesson.
Club coaching: please ask – a separate booking policy is applicable for clubs
If you are part of the TE membership program, inclusions and payment plans will be individualised for your own circumstances and are based around a monthly plan. Automated payments are collected via EziDebit. In some cases your lesson will be a permanent location and time slot, in others it will vary according to availability. It is your responsibility to confirm scheduling for your included benefits. They can be substituted as and when requested or required for similar content. Lessons and inclusions missed may be rescheduled within the following month, but if not taken within that month will be forfeited with no refunds given. Pricing and inclusions can be amended at any time with 2 weeks notice. Each 6 months they will be reviewed due to the start and end of daylight savings time, and subsequent need for indoor arena hire.
If indoor arena hire in evenings from April through September is prebooked for your lessons, for the entirety of EST, it must be paid even if you cancel, up until the time a replacement booking is secured.
Cancellation: both membership and individual lessons can be cancelled at any time with a minimum of 2 weeks notice. Fees will not be refunded if cancellation is within 2 weeks.
Organised clinics: (including guest coaches) must be paid in advance, in full, by the due date. Often I can provide a payment plan for clinics. Once you make your first instalment, that will secure your clinic booking. If you become unable to participate for whatever reason you are responsible for finding a replacement rider. You are also responsible for collecting fees from your replacement rider. Sometimes there may be a holding list, in which case I will pass on contact details. There will be no refunds unless the whole clinic is cancelled.
Weather considerations:
I will never expect you to ride in unsafe conditions. To better develop your skills I encourage you to expose yourself and your horse to varying safe weather conditions. While wind, frost, heat and rain are unpleasant, riding in it ensures you are able to train your horse consistently year-round.
I have access to safe outdoor surfaces and multiple indoor arenas. This often allows a location change if required. There are also many other non-ridden education programs I offer, so if you would prefer to transfer your ridden lesson booking to a non-ridden one that can always be accommodated.
The EA policies and procedures can be found here:
And the current weather information can be found here:
If the weather conditions are within the above guidelines, and competitions can still be run, your lesson will proceed as scheduled.
If you chose not to ride because the conditions may be unpleasant, that is absolutely your prerogative, however, as with a competition, please don’t expect a refund of your fees.
If a farm open day is scheduled in unfavourable weather, and the majority of participants prefer, it can also be changed to a non ridden session.
Other circumstances:
All considerations are a case by case basis. If you are unwell I may be able to ride your horse for you, if your horse is unwell you may be able to ride one of mine, rescheduling of your lesson may also be available including if I am unwell.
Members ALWAYS have preference over both lesson times, and clinic positions.
Classical Jumping
Take the gear off so your horse will want to take off
Jumping strategies so that you can create a bond that is safe, trusting and matter what!
Copyright 2022 © Thomson Equestrian
Copyright 2022 © Thomson Equestrian
Classical Jumping
Take the gear off so your horse will want to take off
Jumping strategies so that you can create a bond that is safe, trusting and matter what!